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"An atheist believes in speciation regardless of the evidence, because it serves as his substitute for the existence of God." - A Schlafly.



"DeltaStar", I find no credibility in your denial of having ideological reasons. I looked at many of your edits before reverting them and found a childish insistence on last wordism, so admit it, you're a member of the far left. Open your mind and admit that pregnancy helps resist sexually transmitted diseases. Got news for you: just as liberals don't understand mentally disabled people, liberals don't understand soldiers either. I urge you to accept logic with an open mind. Once you insist on illogical thought, there is no end to the false conclusions that you will draw. The Bible is the most logical book ever written. Learn something about it, please, for your own sake and the benefit of those around you. Take your message to the general public, to a court of law, to a respected institution, or to your parents and see how many agree with you. ZERO.--aschlafly 09:30, 2 June 2024 (UTC)

See also[edit]

Moral matrix[edit]

Here's my results after doing this little test:

MoralMatrix political systems.png
Pol 17a6058c1cf24d838fde90f50f0dab40.png

YOUR SCORE Your scored -3 on Moral Order and -1 on Moral Rules.

The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Liberalism

Ideology: Capital Democratism

Party: Democratic Party

Presidents: John F Kennedy

04' Election: John Kerry

08' Election: Barrack Obama

If I was 'Merrrican I probably would have voted that way.

Of the 577,833 respondents (10,347 on Facebook): 11% are close to you. 36% are more conservative. 5% are more liberal. 19% are more socialist. 27% are more authoritarian.

TV & radio 'personalities' that are complete cocks[edit]

  • Dara fucking O'Brian
  • Vernon fucking Kaye
  • Phil fucking Jupitus
  • Colin fucking Murray
  • Patrick fucking Keilty
  • Eamon bloody Holmes
  • Russel fucking Brand (what the fuck is this cunt anyway? A comedian? A DJ? A TV presenter? Or just a cock?)
  • Scott fucking Mills

Lest anyone accuse me of not enjoying TV comedy[edit]

This is funny...

As is Father Ted.