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Gentlemen at Conservapedia! I will spit your precious okra, enabling me to destroy religion on the Internet. You should all be incarcerating over Operation Rational, which will likely give RationalWiki a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentlemen at a trusworthy webshite,

I saw your response to Operation User:CircularReasoning/Old noun template with Uncyclopedia memes and I am not surprised your comments are quite telltale signs of someone having drunk the Conservablogia koolaid. And as for the matter of Young Earth Creationism and violence, you delete and recreate pages to cover up that the visitors whose minds have been opened by the RationalWiki Young Earth Creationism article is respectable and will always be respectable. In fact, by the end of this month, it's not out of the question that Conservatives might just end up losing the last vestiges of credibility and being thwarted once and for all. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation politician is gathering steam!!! My ateísmo will likely be so high that the Hispanic ladies will likely be kicking sand into Señor Ed Poop's face!


[create] Documentation