Matthew and Sadie Single

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Matthew Single dons a hilarious version of the only far-right joke.
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Welcome to conspirituality land.
Those arrogant monsters never realised what they’ve done for us – they’ve given us the greatest gifts, they’ve opened our eyes, they’ve given us our family. [The pandemic has] done me a massive favour: it’s taken away the people that weren’t really my family, but it’s given me my real family. Behind me outside, I've got 100 people that I regard as brothers and sisters that I never even knew a while ago.
—Matthew Single on losing his family but finding community during his pandemic fight against the "they".[1]

Matthew Single (1971–)[2] and Sadie Single (née Graham) (1978–)[3] are antivax, anti-lockdown, COVID-19 denialists, who were expelled from the British National Party (BNP) in an internal dispute which included them doxing the entire membership.[4] The Singles later put their involvement in the BNP down to “naivety”, and claimed to have met with “acceptance and understanding” through their pandemic protests.[5] They run what they describe as a “community of freedom-loving people”, promoting survivalism and raising funds to exist “outside of the control of the state”,[5] and what others describe as an illegal school teaching a full curriculum "through the prism of conspiracy with history lessons involving teaching that the US government knew in advance about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and discussed the possibility that stars were not real and were in fact lights."[6][7]

BNP doxing[edit]

What you put on the internet can never be taken from it, and while there may be some members in this organisation who do not deserve to be protected by the law, they should be able to expect that officers within the organisation will not abuse the information provided to them.
—Judge John Stobart[8]

Matthew Single, who had formerly served as the British National Party's head of security,[9] was fined a measly £200 by Nottingham magistrates in September 2009, for leaking online the names and details of the 13,500 members of the BNP in a revenge attack following an internal dispute which had resulted in his expulsion.[10]

It comes as no surprise to me that somebody to do with an organisation that prides itself on Britishness is in fact living off the British people on jobseekers' allowance, and that is why the fine is so low as to be ridiculous. — Judge John Stobart[8]

Sadie Single, a former BNP councillor on the Broxtowe Borough Council, was also initially charged in connection with the incident, but those charges were later dropped.[9]

The Singles are said to have moved south following the incident, and Sadie seemingly retrained as a teacher, working for Hellingly Primary School, in East Sussex, until 2021, when she left due to her antivax actions. Both Singles were arrested for these actions during the pandemic, with Sadie Single being filmed pulling the hair of a police officer.[1][6]

HOPE Sussex[edit]

Our concern is that they are operating a sham home education centre that is in fact an illegal school.
—Ofsted spokesperson[6][11]
Fighting for freedom and truth forms the very core of our ethos at HOPE Sussex.
—Matthew Single[1]

The Singles and Katy-Jo Murfin (1981–),[12] a former theatrical nepo babyWikipedia (daughter of Karl HowmanWikipedia) turned anti-vaxxer,[13] founded HOPE Sussex[14] an “autonomous community” centre, for antivaxxers who had pulled their kids out of mainstream education to use for lessons,[1] on an 80-acre site near Netherfield in East Sussex in 2022.[5][7][15]

We are a magnet to all people that have recognised the cold truth that we are ruled by deeply corrupt career politicians, that seek our subservience and will use fear and division to achieve it. — Matthew Single[16]

Despite claims that it is an illegal school, with up to 20 primary-school-age pupils,[6] which encourages parents to remove their children from mainstream state education and in favour of an alternative, conspiratorial curriculum, while telling local authorities that the children are being home-educated, HOPE Sussex maintains it is:

[A] community centre that hires its facilities to allow home-educating families to supplement their children’s education with wholesome and critically thinking tutors.[7]

This claims seems somewhat undermined by the fact that it provides a template letter to prospective parents for informing their children’s current school they are removing them for homeschooling.[6]

The (definitely not a) school has published photos of its (definitely not) pupils engaged in "history lessons" using crossbows and slingshots, led by the Singles and expelled former Tory councillor and founder of the antivax group Resistance GB, William Coleshill, who has regularly harassed members of Parliament.[7][15]

They are coming for our children. We must be prepared to step outside of the comfort zone of simply protesting and demonstrating with placards and megaphones — we have our army in the field, now we must press forward with greater more specific action. — Matthew Single[7]

Other (definitely not) lessons given by the "tutors" include foraging, survivalism, welding, and shamanic practices.[6] Ofsted initiated an inspection based on doubtlessly unfounded concerns, but were prevented from entering by two “obstructive and uncooperative” members of staff.[6]

Supporters of the school have included:

  • Mike Fairclough, who lost his job as headmaster of a local state school in part due to his connections with the (not a) school (his wife is an organizer and his kids are pupils) and a talk he gave here praising the “global freedom movement” and its opposition to the plan by “globalists” to “disempower people and take away their freedoms”.[6]
  • Danny Glass of the British far-right paramilitary group Alpha Team Assemble, which calls for “global war against governments,” who later withdrew his support citing “serious safety and security concerns,” following a falling out.[6]

Freedom Music Festival[edit]

In July 2022, the Singles hosted a three-day “Freedom Music Festival,” at HOPE Sussex. Billed as a “red-pill event”, it featured “performers that aren’t afraid to spread the truth and haven’t let any lure of fame and fortune bend their integrity.” Namely conspiracy theorists Danny Rampling,Wikipedia Mark Devlin, and Right Said Fred.Wikipedia[1]

In an apparent change of pace, the 2023 Freedom Music Festival was headlined by David Icke and featured talks by Michael Chaves and Monica Smit.[17]

They have also hosted events featuring the likes of Rachel Elnaugh,Wikipedia Katie Hopkins,[18] and Kate Shemirani.Wikipedia[7][15]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 COVID Truthers Are Having Their Own ‘Red Pill’ Glasto by Tim Hume (June 23, 2022) VICE News
  2. Mathew Charles GRAHAM-SINGLE Companies House
  3. Sadie Bethany SINGLE Companies House
  4. The Singles are ready to mingle by Duncan Cahill (September 8, 2021) Hope Not Hate
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 ‘I was wrong’: how Covid conspiracies became a gateway to extreme views by Ben Quinn (January 11, 2023) The Guardian
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Hope Sussex school trains next generation of conspiracy theorists by Tom Ball (January 21, 2023) The Times (archived January 21, 2023)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Hope Sussex: Children’s crossbow lessons at ‘school for conspiracists’ by Tom Ball (July 17, 2023) The Times (archived July 17, 2023)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Ex-BNP man fined for leaking details of thousands of party members by Alexandra Topping (September 1, 2009) The Guardian
  9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed...the blonde university graduate held over BNP internet leak by Jason Lewis and Ross Slater (December 7, 2008) Mail on Sunday
  10. List reveals bitter party infighting by Helen Carter (November 20, 2008) The Guardian
  11. Sussex community centre denies teaching conspiracy theories (February 11, 2023) The Argus
  12. Katy-Jo MURFIN Companies House
  13. Millions are following anti-vaxxer lies: Probe reveals the vast influence of social media posts that Chris Whitty says 'misled' many of those now fighting Covid in hospital by Michael Powell and Natasha Livingstone (January 8, 2022) The Mail on Sunday
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 CASE FILE: Hope Sussex Community (March 6, 2024) Hope Not Hate
  16. ‘Recipe for Disaster’: COVID Truthers Want To Set Up Separatist Collectives by Tim Hume (October 6, 2022) VICE News
  17. Welcome to the festival of conspiracy theories: Sussex hosts jamboree for people who claim that 9/11 and Lee Rigby's murder were a hoax and Covid vaccines are a mind control plot by Tom Coterill (July 24, 2023) Daily Mail
  18. Katie Hopkins to host two shows at Sussex school run by ex BNP members by Zac Sherratt (January 17, 2024) The Argus